Glenn Weiser has written books of Old-Time and Celtic music for fingerstyle guitar and harmonica. The books below may be ordered through this site.
Folk Songs for Solo Guitar
Arranged by Glenn Weiser
Cherry Lane Music (02502168)
Features 36 traditional Celtic and American fiddle tunes and airs from the earlier and now out of print work The Minstrel Boy. With  accompanying CD or cassette. Tablature included. 63 pgs.
  • Price: $19.95 with companion CD - Order today
  • Price: $17.95 with companion cassette 
  • For list of tunes
  • Reviews (of The Minstrel Boy) From Acoustic Guitar, Dirty Linen, Bluegrass Unlimited, and GFA Soundboard magazines
Fiddle Tunes Cover.gif (19450 bytes) Irish and American Fiddle Tunes for Harmonica
Arranged by Glenn Weiser
Centerstream Publishing  (HL 00000232)
A complete guide to playing fiddle tunes on the 10 hole and 12 hole diatonic harmonica. Contains tips on hand position, playing instructions and techniques, as well as rhythmic patterns for the reel, jig, hornpipe and waltz. Over 100 tunes along with a CD that demonstrates several of the tunes. Ability to read music is not necessary-tab is provided. 125 pages.


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