and Rock Harmonica |
This is the table of contents of
Glenn Weiser's book "Blues and Rock Harmonica," a book/CD package that teaches
the essential skills of blues harmonica from the beginning to the advanced levels. Introduction Chapter One: About the harmonica. Chapter Two: Getting started. Chapter Three: Music notation, Solos 1 & 2, 31 basic riffs. Chapter Four: The 12-bar blues form, Solo 3. Chapter Five: What is blues harp, exactly? Scale degrees for I, IV, and V chords - cross harp. Chapter Six: Learning your way around the harmonica. Chapter Seven: Note Bending, Solos 6 & 7. Chapter Eight: How to improvise, pentatonic major and minor riffs, riffs with accidentals, Easy Rider, Solos 8-13. Chapter Nine: Straight harp, Solo 14. Chapter Ten: Third position, positions 4-6, Solo15. |
Chapter Eleven: Train noises, tricks, and special
techniques, Solo 16. Chapter Twelve: Playing rock, scale degree charts for 12 positions in cross and straight harp, Solo 17. Chapter Thirteen: Jamming with other musicians. Discography. |
Price: $19.95 with compainon CD Order today |
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